Saturday, June 26, 2010



The above is an expression of how I currently feel.

It has very little to do with getting married in eight weeks either.

And regardless of how sarcastic that sounded, it wasn't.

I'm going to stop now before I sound like the negative kind of person I don't want to be.

This is where I am going to marry my best friend. It's going to spectacular and that is only the beginning!

Monday, June 21, 2010

An Interesting Observation

My dad loves TobyMac. Exactly how a fifty-four year old white male, who hates baggy pants and hats worn backward, came to be obsessed with this hip-hop artist is beyond me. This idiosyncrasy provided the opportunity for the perfect Father's Day present, however, because on June 19th Chris Tomlin and TobyMac stopped in Little Rock on their Hello Tonight tour. The concert was great. I loved it, every one else loved it, and, most importantly,Dad loved it. This post though is not about my dad, Father's Day, or even Christian music. It is about the adorable couple who sat in front of us.

They were probably in their late fifties and the man had white fluffy hair. They were both a little plump and seemingly normal people. When TobyMac and the band started to play some of the more up beat songs, the husband started dancing with his wife. He was getting pretty funky! He kept hugging her and holding her hands and moving his ready-for-retirement body. I didn't realize this until later, but the thing that most amazed me was that she was enjoying all of this. She wasn't embarrassed or telling him to leave her the heck alone. She was having as much fun as he was. This happened not just once or twice, but throughout the entire concert.

Since I was an objective bystander, not their child or youth group member, I found this to be intriguing rather than embarrassing. Here are these two people, probably after kids, financial issues, loss, and who knows what else, still obviously in love. Because they are both human I know that they have fought and screamed and hated each other, but they are still together. Their connection couldn't have been more obvious.

All my life and especially these last few weeks, I have observed the couples I know. I don't like this about their relationship. I don't want to do this. Shoot me if I end up like that. This couple though sparked the opposite response. I want what they have. I want to be head over heels in love after I have been married for twenty-five years. I want to have that much fun with my husband.

So whoever you two are and wherever you may be, I salute you!

Hmmm. . .

It is quite odd how some else's sin can cause you to regret your own past even more.