Friday, October 8, 2010

You can stop worrying now. I did not fall of of the face of the Earth!

I have the same problem with blogging that I do with keeping a journal and a lot of other things in life: If I am not perfect at it and if I don't keep it updated, then I feel overwhelmed with all of the things that I think that I should talk about that have happened in my "absence" so I just put it off and never end up doing it.

Here are the major highlights:
1. I got married!
2. I got a job at Chick-fil-A!
3. We got a dog!
4. I totaled my car! (That exclamation point just wasn't as fun as the others. . . I was completely unharmed and no one else was involved, except for a light pole but it was unharmed as well.)

Each of those deserves a post or two each and hopefully I will write more about them, but for now I am just checking in because I want to get into the habit of blogging. I love to write. I just convince myself I don't have the time because I waste so much time doing pointless things, like checking Facebook five times a day even though nothing has changed. Anyway, my point is that you will be hearing more from me!

Here are some wedding pictures!


I loved my hair. . . and that guy too!

See you soon!


  1. Beautiful dress (and hair)! Congrats!!!

  2. Helen, you look gorgeous! Congratulations! :D

  3. Hey! I'm glad that you guys are okay! Me and the wife would love to hang out with ya'll sometime. Let us know if ya'll need anything! Check out my blog:
